

1. What is an EPK (Electronic Press Kit)?
2. What does the promotional flyer (Reader) contain?
3. What is important in the flow of information?
4. How are written interviews to be completed?
5. What is an Radio ID or artist jingle?
6. What is the duration of a PR campaign?

1. EPK
In simple terms, an "Electronic Press Kit" (EPK) is a press kit in electronic form.
This variant can be conveyed to interested parties - in contrast to the once classic printed press kit - preferably by means of a download version on file-hosting websites.
Proven sharehosters for this are, for example:
Google Drive,, etc.
EPK distribution on CDR or DVDR has therefore become very rare.

An EPK is designed to meet the requirements of editorial departments to save journalists from having to do their own research for reporting or reviewing or interviewing.

Song streams without a download option are not accepted by the vast majority of music media, as it is advantageous for reviewers to have the .MP3 and .WAV folders, along with info, etc., available on their respective end devices for the creation of articles, regardless of location and network reception.

One should create 2 complete EPK downloads, 1x as .MP3 and 1x as .WAV version.
(Radio stations in particular demand the higher quality .WAV format).
Optimal therefor is the compressed "Zip" file format.
The following designations are ideal:
"" and ""

Each EPK should be provided with a web link that can be used throughout the PR campaign.
The 2 complete EPK downloads should each be possible by means of a single link or clearly visible link button without logging in.

Into the 2 main folders (1x .MP3- & 1x .WAV-variant) individual subfolders with corresponding titles are to be inserted, which in turn contain songs, graphic material, info etc:

• 'Music'
Song(s) of the respective release in .MP3 or .WAV file format in full length & full title spelling.
Please note: Song(s) must have correct ID3 tags, at least with song title and band name, so that MP3 players etc. can show this on the display when playing.

• 'Visual'
if possible, current, relevant and printable, high-resolution graphic material such as band logo, band photo(s), front cover, etc. plus an associated subfolder, titled 'Visual Credits', as a text or Word file with respective artist or photographer credits in the context of the image rights
(band photo files must all be individually named with the name or pseudonym of the respective musician for correct assignment)

• 'Info'
One or more PDF files that contain in clear presentation:
• Band logo & photo
• Actual bullet points
• Crisply written band biography, as condensed as possible, with the most important core or key data, etc.
• All relevant information about the currently broadcast release
• Numbered song listing with individual and total playing time
• Complete line-up with respective musician's name and played instrument
• Complete discography incl. demos etc. with format and year naming
• All relevant web addresses and email of the band

May also include:
• list of positive reviews - sorted in descending order from highest scores to reviews that received over 70 %
• chronological list of previous interviews
• chronological media feedback to concerts
• live recordings
• tour-dates

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2. Promo Printsheet (Reader)
When promo material is sent out physically, it is essential that it is always accompanied by a professionally designed insert (reader), preferably printed out in color.
If available, the printout of the info PDF from the created EPK can be used for this purpose.

It should contain all essential and updated information about the band in general.
This saves the editors responsible for the review, the interview or other reporting a sometimes quite time-consuming and unnecessarily time-consuming preliminary research.

If the supplementary sheet extends over several pages due to extensive information, these should be numbered chronologically in a clearly visible manner and stapled together in a stable manner. (In the latter case, PVC clip folders with a transparent cover sheet have proven to be ideal.)

Promo-Printsheet must contain:
• Band logo & photo
• Crisply written band biography, as condensed as possible, with the most important core or key data, etc.
• All relevant information about the currently broadcast release
• Numbered song listing with individual and total playing time
• Complete line-up with respective musician's name and played instrument
• Complete discography incl. demos etc. with format and year naming
• All relevant web addresses and email of the band

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3. Information transfer
In case of direct communication of the band with the press, media representatives etc. Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ has to be informed immediately in order to ensure the most current level of knowledge.
Preferably, the band should refer directly to Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ at the beginning, if e.g. requests for info and picture material are received.

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4. Written Interviews
Written interview questions should always be returned via email and completed as follows:

• Return of the answers within 7 days to Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ for forwarding
• In case of an specified deadline (final date of delivery) these date must be adhered to without fail
• Basically, the following applies in terms of scheduling: the sooner, the better

• Answers should be logical, grammatically correct and in the form of complete sentences
• Answers should be written in detail and clarified informative
• Answers should be placed between the respective questions

• Don't use a plain text document, this leads often times to serious conversion errors at the recipient
• Never write answers directly in the email
• Work anytime with a special built question/answer document, which have to be attached to the email as a word.doc file

• At the top of the question/answer document should be listed below each other:
- name of the respective press medium
- current date
- band's name
- answering musicians with their instruments - these are to be named individually before their respective answers.
(If all answers are representative for the whole band, this has to be noted accordingly.)

• Since some webzines copy the content of interview documents 1:1 by means of copy & paste, a note should be inserted in each case, in which two lines are the beginning and the end of what should appear in the published interview.

• The content of the email must be listed in the subject line - in appropriate upper and lower case - as follows:
"NAME OF BAND / interview answers by NAME OF MUSICIAN / NAME OF MEDIA / YEAR (f.e. 2025)"

• Interviews for print media:
for this purpose, several additional high-resolution, printable band photos are required as a download link.

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5. Radio ID or artist jingle (Radio Station Identification Jingle)
Radio ID jingles are brief and repeated interludes in the program for the unique identification of a station.

Since the visual characteristic is missing in radio broadcasting, jingles contain certain noises, music, sounds or spoken material.

Thus, despite their brevity, Radio ID jingles enjoy a weighty role, since without them it would take much longer to clearly identify a particular station.

Radio ID Artist Jingle
Radio stations also use individual Radio ID artist jingles:
this involves fading in station-specific spoken words from artists in order to announce their song in the most effective way possible for both sides. Example:
"This is XY from the band XY from XY and you are listening to Radio XY!"

Execution in an acoustic and visual manner
In the course of this, the artist records his personal contribution to the Radio ID Artist Jingle in digital form and subsequently sends it as a zip file via to Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ for forwarding or directly to the responsible radio presenter, who then embeds it accordingly in his recognition ID for the radio broadcast. As such features are often presented simultaneously with the programme on the radio stations' social networks in order to increase attention, artist jingles as video contributions have become very popular.


6. Time Duration (PR campaign)
The duration of a PR campaign depends primarily on the size of the budget available for it.

Music media regularly always prefer the latest so that as much attention as possible can be generated, preferably with something that has not yet been released.

Therefore, it is most productive for public relations to distribute the first press release approximately 3 months before the official release date.

It has proven to be optimal if diverse, positive media feedback is already available on the day of publication in order to achieve as much attention as possible.

Copyright Information

All material presented on this website,, is copyright © except where cited.

All Copyrights for other information, band-photos, -logos, & -front-cover art reserved by its Respective Owners.