Radios & Podcasts
"Der beste Szenekenner im Bereich Metal mit tausenden von Kontakten. Unermüdlich engagiert und absolut verlässlich arbeitet Markus Eck daran, seine Bands ins beste Licht zu rücken, sie zu beraten und zu unterstützen. Einen besseren Promoter könnte ich mir nicht vorstellen."
(Hydra Gorgonia • ATRIUM NOCTIS • Germany)
"Wir hatten absolut keine Ahnung von PR und sind somit kopfüber ins kalte Wasser gesprungen. Klar waren wir skeptisch. Doch in seiner angenehmen, freundlichen und zuvorkommenden Art konnte Markus Eck alle Zweifel beseitigen. Ein überaus faires Konzept, das genau auf unsere Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist, hat uns bisher sehr geholfen. Metal Message arbeitet vertrauenswürdig in allen Punkten, transparent, fleißig und, vor allem, realitätsnah. Zusammengefasst ist Metal Message das Beste, was uns überhaupt passieren konnte. Werft alle Zweifel und Vorbehalte über Bord und vertraut Euch Metal Message an! Markus Eck liebt den Underground und ist mit Überzeugung und Leidenschaft bei der Sache. Sicher macht er auch Euch ein passendes Angebot. Und keine Angst: Knebelverträge müsst Ihr nicht fürchten und auch beim Finanziellen geht Metal Message stets mit absoluter Fairness und Augenmaß vor."
(Marcus • DRUNKEN FOOLS • Germany)
"Der Promoter als Schlüssel zwischen Band und Label wird für mich auch heute noch viel zu wenig gewürdigt! Denn ohne solche engagierten Menschen wie Markus, würden die meisten Bands garnicht in der Öffentlichkeit existieren und die Labels sowie auch die Vertriebe, keine Kauf- Argumente und die so wichtige Propaganda für Engagements im Bereich der Gigs etc. haben. Horns Up & Metal Message to the World!"
(Christian • OUR SOULS • Germany)
"Wir würden jederzeit wieder mit Metal Message zusammenarbeiten. Die Arbeit ist individuell an die Band angepasst, sehr transparent und zuverlässig und die Leistung absolut top. Sehr empfehlenswert."
(Simon • FREAKINGS • Switzerland)
"Eine so geile Promo Agentur ... kann man nur weiterempfehlen!"
(Marple • LORDS OF SALEM • Germany)
"Perfekte, individuell zugeschnittene Promotion im Metal-Bereich! Je nach Budget kann man den Umfang der Arbeit abstimmen. Markus ist schon so lange ein Teil der Metalszene und kennt sie von allen Seiten. Seine vielen Kontakte zu Magazinen garantieren eine lange und breite Reichweite. Was am Ende dabei rauskommt liegt natürlich auch an der Qualität der Veröffentlichung. Bei uns lief alles perfekt! Wer einen zuverlässigen Promo-Partner für seine Band sucht ist bei Metal Message bestens aufgehoben."
(Skaldir • ASH OF ASHES • Germany)
"Super Zusammenarbeit, kein 08/15, sondern auf die spezielle Situation zugeschnitten."
(M. Gneipel • THE SOULSCAPE PROJECT • Germany)
"Ein sehr sympathischer und verlässlicher Ansprechpartner, der sich überdurchschnittlich für die Bands engagiert! Er lebt für guten Metal! Jederzeit wieder, lieber Markus!"
(Manuel • BETRAYAL • Germany)
"Exzellente PR Agentur, einer der besten fürs Geld in diesem Genre und als Gegenleistung wirklich aufopferungsvolle, hochqualitative und akribische Arbeit. Beispiellos gute Kommunikation. In allen Aspekten zu empfehlen."
(Ronny • SNAKEWINE • Germany)
"Tolle, aufopferungsvolle Arbeit. Super Kontakt, super Mensch hinter der Arbeit. Kein Anliegen ist zu gering, als dass Markus sich nicht dahinter klemmt und schließlich liefert. Eine Geschäftsbeziehung, aus welcher schließlich auch eine Freundschaft entstanden ist. Eine der besten Entscheidungen meines Lebens mich an Metal Message und an Markus zu wenden ..."
(Asgharoth Morthus Diaboli • MORTHUS • Germany)
"Bereits seit 8 Jahren arbeitet Markus von Metal Message regelmäßig für Bands, in welchen ich spiele. Die Promotions bei Veröffentlichungen liefen immer bestens! Weitaus mehr als wir uns erhofften! Zudem kam durch seine Arbeit ein Label-Deal zustande. Neben der Promotion war und ist uns Markus immer ein guter Berater und mehr. Konzeption und Umsetzung in Absprache mit einem von ihm organisierten Coverzeichner konnten wir mit bestem Gewissen in seine Hände geben! Metal Message kann ich jedem Herzblutmusiker empfehlen! Ich wurde in bereits 5 Veröffentlichungen noch nie enttäuscht!"
(Simon • RUNNING DEATH • Germany)
"Metal Message for President! Hat riesig Freude an der Arbeit und das spiegelt sich auch an den Ergebnissen! Top Partner! Danke Markus!"
(Piri • INFINITAS • Switzerland)
"Metal Message ist geil. Markus ist ein toller Mensch. Er hilft den Metal-Bands dabei, ihr Publikum zu finden."
(Niki • EUFOBIA • Bulgaria)
"Gute und faire Zusammenarbeit, schnelle Kommunikation und tolles Ergebnis! Absolut zu empfehlen!"
(Nicolas • INVICTUS • Germany)
"Markus arbeitet als Überzeugungstäter mit viel Leidenschaft für seine Bands. Eine klare Empfehlung!"
(Matthias • MNEMOCIDE • Switzerland)
"Markus Eck and Metal Message deliver utmost professionalism to the highest quality - friendly communication and fast results. Highly recommendable!
(Thomas • REVEREND HOUND • Germany)
"Sehr faire, transparente Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe, Metal Message bietet einen Mehrwert in vielerlei Hinsicht und eine ausgezeichnete Unterstützung für die Promotion einer Band! Top!"
(Christoph • ONTBORG • Italy)
"Markus Eck hat eine absolute Leidenschaft für Szene und Musik und steht uns stets absolut professionell und kompetent beratend zur Seite."
(Marc • MORTAL INFINITY • Germany)
"Markus Eck hat die absolute 'Do or Die'-Mentalität, kommuniziert immer klar und direkt und steht jederzeit mit dem besten Rat zur Seite! Wenn Deine Message ankommen soll bist Du bei Markus goldrichtig."
(Christian • DREAMS IN FRAGMENTS • Switzerland)
"Würde jederzeit wieder mit Metal Message zusammen arbeiten. Ein verlässlicher Partner und die erbrachte Leistung ist sehr gut. Markus hat uns kontinuierlich mit Promotion-Aktionen versorgt und uns jede Menge Kontakte für Werbezwecke in Webzines und Internetradios hergestellt."
(Kurt Jason Kelderer • ASPIDIUM • Germany)
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit Markus Eck hat sehr viel Spass gemacht und war für uns auch sehr lehrreich. Man merkt, dass er seine Tätigkeit mit Freunde und Passion macht. Ohne ihn hätte unsere Musik niemals eine solche Reichweite erreicht. Weiter so!"
(Philipp • CALAROOK • Switzerland)
"Die Promotion war bestens."
(Ali • HANGATYR • Germany)
"Immer freundlich, gute und regelmäßige Kommunikation inklusive Feedback über den Verlauf der Zusammenarbeit. Da gibt's nichts zu meckern."
(Dominik • TASKFORCE TOXICATOR • Germany)
"Sehr gutes Netzwerk, um Bands bekannt zu machen. Metal Message nimmt sich für jeden Künstler/Act die Zeit, um eine gute und umfangreiche Promotion weltweit zu machen. Ich habe nur gute Erfahrungen mit meiner Band Nailgun gemacht und wir arbeiten jederzeit gerne mit Markus Eck zusammen. Kann ich nur empfehlen!"
(Manuel • NAILGUN • Germany)
"Markus hat mich und SWEEPING DEATH bei der Promotion zu unseren ersten beiden Alben 'Astoria' und 'In Lucid' unterstützt. Jederzeit freundliche & professionelle Konversationen! Rückfragen von Magazinen etc. werden umgehend weitergegeben. Die große Anzahl an erhaltenen Reviews samt vermittelten Interviews spricht für die Qualität und die Zuverlässigkeit seiner Arbeit. Jederzeit gerne wieder!"
(Markus • SWEEPING DEATH • Germany)
"Markus' Arbeit ist absolut zu empfehlen! Jahrelange Erfahrung im Business gepaart mit Gespür für die Musik seiner Klienten und großer Empathie machen Markus zu einem Flaggschiff der deutschen Musikpromo-Branche! Herzlichen Dank für alles!"
(Raphael • PRIOR THE END • Germany)
"Zuverlässige, kompetente Arbeit. Unkomplizierte, ehrliche Kommunikation. 100 % echt! 100 % METAL!"
(Raphael • BÖLLVERK • Germany)
"Als noch ziemlich unerfahrener Neuling in der Medien-Szene und vor allem im Musikgeschäft, konnte ich mich mit wirklich allen Belangen an Markus von Metal Message wenden. Neben vielen Promotion-Arbeiten stand er mir immer vertrauensvoll mit Rat und Tat zeitnah zur Seite und koordinierte bzw. erledigte offene Punkte. Aus dem Nichts haben wir die Band damit bekannt machen können. Auch für Album Nummer 2 werden wir uns sehr gerne wieder vertrauensvoll an Metal Message wenden."
(Sven • BIWO • Germany)
"Markus begleitet uns nun schon einige Jahre und wir könnten nicht zufriedener sein. Absolute Fachkenntnis gepaart mit einer herausragenden Kommunikation und Unterstützung in diesem sehr umfassenden Bereich der Promotion. Markus ist erstklassig vernetzt, unglaublich erfahren und weiß worauf es ankommt. Egal ob Reviews, Interviews in Print- und Onlinemedien, Radiosendungen usw. Metal Message hat uns da mehr als eine Tür aufgemacht. Volle Punktzahl in allen Belangen. Vielen Dank, von Herzen!"
(Polo • RAVENFIELD • Germany)
"Vertrauenswürdig, kompetent und individuell. Markus ist bestens vernetzt, berät ausführlich und geht vor allem sehr genau auf die Wünsche der Band ein. Nur zu empfehlen."
(F.K. • NEMESIS SOPOR • Germany)
"Markus Eck und ich arbeiten seit über 14 Jahren zusammen. Promo mit Leidenschaft! Er kümmert sich um seine Bands und arbeitet mit Hochdruck und viel Herzblut an deren Erfolg. Jedem empfehlenswert, der auf gute und zuverlässige Zusammenarbeit steht!
Metal Message und Markus sind eine sehr empfehlenswerte Agentur für sowohl etablierte Acts als auch Newcomer!"
(Ivan • CRAVING • Germany)
"Markus ist ein echtes Phänomen, da er immer zu 100 % am Start ist - mit einer ungeheuren Liebe zur Musik und einem unglaublichen Sachverstand ausgestattet wird er nie müde zu antworten und sich zu engagieren. Zu alledem ist er auch noch ein überaus sympathischer Zeitgenosse der das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck hat. Front Row Warriors arbeitet begeistert mit ihm zusammen. Er ist ein echtes Juwel in diesem Business - checkt ihn an, ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht sein."
(Elkie • FRONT ROW WARRIORS • Germany)
"Ihr sucht nach einer guten Promotion für eure Band? Dann seit ihr bei Markus völlig richtig. Seit gut einem halben Jahr arbeiten wir von Old Ruins jetzt mit Markus zusammen. Markus ist authentisch und weiß genau was er tut. Wir haben von Anfang an herrliche Gespräche geführt und mit seinen Erfahrungen konnte er uns wirklich weiterhelfen. Auf allen Ebenen eine runde Sache. Riesendank an Metal Message für 120 % Leidenschaft!"
(Christian • OLD RUINS • Germany)
"Fantastisch, richtig geil! Metal Message macht einen fantastischen Job! Markus steckt unfassbar viel Zeit in die Promotion und die Kommunikation läuft großartig! Das Beste, was uns für den Release unseres neuen Albums passieren konnte! Es ist eine unglaubliche Zusammenarbeit - Danke dafür von uns allen!"
(Andreas • IGNITION • Germany)
"Die beste Werbung ist immer noch die persönliche Weiterempfehlung. Insbesondere dann, wenn sie von Freunden oder Familienmitgliedern ausgesprochen wird. Aus diesem Grund überlegten wir nicht lange und entschieden uns für die Zusammenarbeit mit Metal Message. Ein absoluter Glücksgriff, wie sich bereits nach kurzer Zeit herausstellte! Wer eine PR-Agentur sucht, die immer das Beste für den Künstler im Sinn hat, menschlich 1A und auf Augenhöhe agiert, gut vernetzt ist und obendrein authentisch, glaubwürdig und unermüdlich die Fahne des Metal hochhält, ist bei Markus genau an der richtigen Adresse! Lieber Markus, wir bedanken uns für die gute und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen unseres Debütalbums! Bleib so, wie du bist! Auf Loik!"
(Marius • SMORRAH • Germany)
"Die Sessions waren top, in denen wir mit Markus alles bei uns auf Vordermann bringen konnten - Dokumente, Website, Socials usw., das hat sich gelohnt und Spaß gemacht. Gut war ebenfalls: Er hat sehr schnell auf Anfragen geantwortet und hat uns mit seiner kreativen Seite auch ein paar Ideen für Fotoshootings geben können."
(Tom • DELIRIUM'S DAWN • Germany)
"Die Zusammenarbeit mit Markus hat sich als sehr professionell und leidenschaftlich herausgestellt. Man kommt voll auf seine Kosten und jede Erwartung wurde erfüllt, beziehungsweise übertroffen. Da wir im PR-Bereich komplett unerfahren waren und wir einfach mal diesen Schritt gewagt haben, wurden wir mehr als überrascht, welche Kreise seine Arbeit zieht. Wir konnten viel Erfahrung sammeln und hatten Markus immer an unserer Seite, falls es mal zu Unstimmigkeiten kam. Seine Erfahrung und sein Engagement fühlen sich grenzenlos an. Wir sind ein ordentliches Stück weiter gekommen und konnten sogar international mit verschiedenen Interessenten unserer Musik in Kontakt treten. Jedes Mal wieder!"
(Baal • HELL IN THE SKIES • Germany)
"Wir arbeiten seit vielen Jahren mit ihm zusammen und wir können Markus und Metal Message nur weiterempfehlen! Super professionell, höchstes Niveau und dabei immer menschlich. Markus lebt und liebt Metal, und das spiegelt sich in seiner super Arbeit wieder. Metal Message ist sehr gut vernetzt in die Metalwelt, und Markus steht einem immer zur Seite wenn Hilfe benötigt wird - Promo vom Feinsten also!"
(Joe • SCARLET ANGER • Luxembourg)
"Supernette, konstruktive und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Wer seine musikalischen Ergüsse in die Metal-Welt streuen will kommt an Promotorhead Markus nicht vorbei. Beim nächsten Release ist er fest eingeplant. Blessed Child sagen danke!"
(Marco • BLESSED CHILD • Germany)
"Hier wird Metal gelebt und geatmet. Professionalität auf höchstem Niveau. Metal Message kann ich jeden nur an das Herz legen. Danke für die großartige Zusammenarbeit!"
(Thomas • KOBZR Magazine • Germany)
"Freundlich und perfekt."
(Martin • BlattTurbo • Germany)
"Metal Message ist zu empfehlen weil es fair ist, Integrität besitzt und seinen Bands zur Seite steht anstatt sie auszunehmen wie eine Weihnachtsgans!"
(Jörg • Stahlseele • Germany)
"Selten einen Medienpartner erlebt, der mit so viel Leidenschaft, Herz und Fleiß auf einen derart großen Erfahrungsschatz zurückgreift und mit Hingabe arbeitet. Eine 5/5 von www.soundmagnet.eu und mir für Metal Message!"
(Adriana • Soundmagnet Magazin • Austria)
"Ich kenne wenige andere PR-Menschen, die mit soviel Passion und Ehrlichkeit 'ihre' Künstler betreuen und als Ansprechpartner bei Fragen kompetent und zügig mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Metal Message steht nicht für irgendein Business - im Fokus steht der Underground mit seinen Künstlern! So muss es sein ..."
(Beatrice • Black Salvation Blog • Germany)
"Sehr zuverlässiger Partner seit vielen Jahren. Schnelle und zielführende Kommunikation. Schafft zwischen den Bands und unserem Magazin Time For Metal ein angenehmes Arbeitsklima und betreut die Projekte effektiv. Leidenschaftlich, ehrgeizig und effizient - dafür steht bei uns der Partner Metal Message!"
(René • Time For Metal • Germany)
"Absolut empfehlenswert! Hier steht nicht der Profit sondern die Freude an der Musik und die Leidenschaft der Musiker im Vordergrund! Wer sich also einen Promoter mit Herz und Hirn wünscht, der ist hier an der richtigen Adresse!"
(Elisabeth • Metalmamas Neuigkeiten • Austria)
"Markus Eck und sein Metal Message sind seit vielen Jahren ein Garant für ehrliche Arbeit mit Bands und für Support mit Herzblut und reichlich Musikverstand. Mit das Beste, was die Branche zu bieten hat."
(Erich • Rock Castle Franken • Germany)
"Sehr zuverlässiger Partner in Sachen PR und Promo. Sein Merch ist von guter Qualität. Wir korrespondieren seit einigen Jahren miteinander - auch wenn es bei mir hakte, hatte er immer Verständnis für meinen Zeitmangel und wir haben einen Weg gefunden, der für beide akzeptabel war. Der Einsatz für die Metal-Szene ist vorbildlich!"
(Hans • Hans kleines Heavy Metal Eck • Germany)
"Über die Arbeit mit Markus und Metal Message Global kann man absolut nichts Negatives sagen - immer nett und zuvorkommend, schnelle Rückmeldung und wenn's mal Probleme gibt, ist er immer bereit zu helfen. Was die Arbeit mit ihm auch so angenehm macht, ist die Tatsache, dass man stets ein Feedback bekommt, das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen, das passiert leider viel zu selten. Jederzeit wieder, und ich hoffe, dass sich die Zusammenarbeit noch intensiviert!"
(Danny • MetalZone • Germany)
"TOP Partner, sehr freundlich und zuverlässig - Metal Message rocks!"
(Heinz Kevin Black • Pix666 • Germany)
"Danke für das umfangreiche Pressematerial zu den Bands, die von Metal Message promoted werden. Ist nicht bei allen so. Von daher, starke Arbeit. Weiter so!"
(Timo • Zephyrs Odem • Germany)
Radios & Podcasts:
"Für mich als Online Radio-Moderator sehr oft eine Quelle an geiler Gitarrenmukke. Support und Zusammenarbeit stehen bei Markus extrem weit oben. Keep Up The Great Work And May The Underground Be With You!"
(Matze Greiner • Pure Sound Radio, D-Rockz Radio etc. • Germany)
"Nach über zwei Jahrzehnten als freier Musik- und Radio-Journalist komme ich zur Erkenntnis, dass Metal Message eine der künstlerfreundlichsten Promotion-Agenturen überhaupt ist. Markus kümmert sich verantwortungsbewusst, aufopfernd und selbstlos um die Musiker und versucht stets mit Professionalität und Fingerspitzengefühl seine Bands zu präsentieren. Dazu nutzt er nicht nur eine herausstechende E-Mail Präsenz, sondern auch seine überaus hörenswerten Podcasts und sucht stets den persönlichen Kontakt. Fazit: wer als Underground Band jeglichen Genres auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung zurückgreifen möchte, die bestmögliche Promotion wünscht und zudem ein rundum-sorglos-Paket bevorzugt, sollte sich umgehend an den Markus wenden. Große Reichweite garantiert!"
(Daniel • hart&direkt • Germany)
"Möchte mich herzlich für die Zusammenarbeit bedanken: immer klasse Bands, tolle Infos - alles, was man braucht, um gute Radiosendungen zusammenzustellen. Freue mich auf ein weiteres Jahr toller Zusammenarbeit."
(Carsten • WackenRadio • Germany)
"Markus Eck ist einer der wenigen, die sich für die Szene einsetzen und der damit seit langen vielen Metal-Bands und der Szene sehr geholfen hat. Als zuverlässiger Partner von Metalmagazinen wie z.B. Metal FM.com werden seine News aus der Szene immer gerne veröffentlicht."
(Karl Heinz • Metal FM.com • Germany)
"Markus ist ein absoluter Freak und Kenner - und er ist auch allgemein fit. Unglaublich, was er alles so kennt, sehr cool! Er macht seine Sache mit Herzblut und er war dabei immer schon 100 Prozent. Der hat voll den Plan."
(Andrash • Scream For Metal • Germany)
"Wir von Northern Silence Productions haben gerade die erste Promo-Kampagne von Markus durchführen lassen und sind mit seiner Arbeit sehr zufrieden. Er ist bemüht, aus jeder Situation das Optimum herauszuholen und verfügt sowohl über das Wissen als auch die Kontakte, um Releases weitreichend zu promoten. Es ist für uns zwar nicht sinnvoll, für jede unserer Veröffentlichungen die entsprechende Summe in professionelle Promotion zu investieren, doch bei Top-Sellern würden wir bedenkenlos wieder die Hilfe von Markus in Anspruch nehmen, um größere Reichweite und Sichtbarkeit für neue Releases zu erreichen."
(Torsten • Northern Silence Productions • Germany)
"Man merkt, dass hier ein Überzeugungstäter am Werk ist, und das spiegelt sich auch in der Arbeit von Metal Message durchgehend wider! Well done!"
(Adam • Schattenpfade • Germany)
"Markus redet nicht, sondern er macht. Er promotet nicht nur den Metal, sondern er lebt und fühlt ihn. Danke an dich für dein Engagement und deine fleißige Arbeit. Du bist klasse!"
(Andreas • Metalloscope Music • Germany)
Radios & Podcasts
Visual Artists
"Metal Message and Markus Eck are one of the best things that have happened to us over the past few months. For me and my band METALWINGS it's a real pleasure to work with him. I highly recommend Metal Message! It's really worth it!"
(Stela • METALWINGS • Bulgaria)
"The very best in the world! I really love to work with him! He is really into Metal!"
(Alex • KALEDON • Italy)
"Simply the best! An agency that REALLY promotes your band, bringing results, real feedbacks ... with hard work and constant and crystal clear updates! I worked with him with two of my bands and a lot of friends and ALL were satisfied!!!"
(Michele • OVERTURES • Italy)
"Best Promotion Agency we ever had!"
(Maede • CALADMOR • Switzerland)
"This is the simply true way to give people a Metal-message with your music, thanks to Markus & Metal Message promotion !! A sincere & hardworking service turns easily to a lasting companionship !! VENGEFUL GHOUL will always be mentioned/remembered with Metal Message 'cause we still have lots of 'Metal messages' to give and to get across to the world!"
(Emre • VENGEFUL GHOUL • Turkey)
"Awesome and hard working!"
(Bjarne • HULDRE • Denmark)
"Great to work with ... honest and genuine with a true love for Metal and bands."
"Metal Message always goes the extra mile for its clients. Top notch and very much recommended!"
(Lars • MYRKGRAV • Norway)
"Top service! Best promo! Always very helpful!"
(Jeff • SCARLET ANGER • Luxembourg)
"Top notch promotion!"
(Thomas • SYLVATICA • Denmark)
"The best promotion and management agency, for all tasteful bands! Trust me, for me and my band NORTHERN LINES, Markus worked excellent!"
(Cristiano • NORTHERN LINES • Italy)
"If you need something that fits for your band, you MUST choose this agency to rock everything!! Metal Message rules!"
(Luca • ALTAIR • Italy)
"Trust me! It's what every band needs for a full and great promotion around the world!!"
(Alex • ROXIN' PALACE • Italy)
"Markus is a true supporter of music and has done an excellent job for our band. He acts super professional and reliable, which makes it great to work with Metal Message. For our next release, we will definitely consider Markus as first choice promoter! All the best for you Markus and hope so speak soon!"
(Thomas • FROM ASHES REBORN • Germany)
"A great work. Always patient and doing his best for his clients. The feedback is constant. We are really satisfied."
(Asier • INCURSED • Basque Country)
"Great service! Totally recommendable!"
(Jonkol • INCURSED • Basque Country)
"With promotion agencies in music you have to be careful, not everything is what it seems, but I should say Im really impressed with the work of Metal Message, they really care about your band and they do a great job promoting you. Keep up the great work!"
(Alex • LORDS OF SALEM • Germany)
"Metal Message was recommended to me as a promotion agency that does what it promises and they did deliver! Markus Eck provided my project OMEGA POINT with good promotional support, got us some great reviews and also consulted us in a very professional way."
(Ristridi • OMEGA POINT • Germany)
"I always enjoy working with Markus for my project BLOODRED. A clear and binding communication, good support on many topics and a large international network make the cooperation very productive and successful. Finally the pricing is very fair, something that is not always the case in the industry. All in all I look forward to working with Metal Message again!"
(Ron • BLOODRED • Germany)
"HELL'S GUARDIAN are happy and satisfied to collaborate with Markus and Metal Message. Markus is professional and a fair person. He puts passion into his work! It is the first time we work with an agency that is so committed and active and we recommend it with flying colors!"
(Freddie • HELL'S GUARDIAN • Italy)
"Markus is an extremely reliable and passionate partner for bands. He sells what he can do, and he delivers, which in a world of (unfortunately) very low professionalism is a lot. Highly recommended!"
(Dario • ALTHEA • Italy)
"Markus is a true fan and supporter of Metal and it shows. He doesn't treat his bands as clients, but he works them like a real fan would. He has passion for those he represents and in this business that is really rare. I recommend Metal Message to any label or band that wants a company that will work your project like no one else."
"Markus is a very nice person, very easy to communicate and work with. He is dedicated to what he does, and always gives the best from himself. A true fan and supporter of good underground Metal music. It's a real pleasure to work with him!"
(Elitsa • AEGONIA • Bulgaria)
"Markus Eck and Metal Message have helped us a lot over the last few months. Nice, competent and passionate!"
(Timo • TEZURA • Germany)
"To this day, my band, ROCKIN’ ENGINE, has been solicited by many public relations agencies and promoters throughout the world with their never ending sales pitch and their 'too good to be true' success stories. But one day, I met Markus Eck! We were put in contact by a common friend and radio station host in Germany and started talking like we knew each other for a long time, the connection was made immediately. Markus insisted that our first professional conversation was to be made via Skype in order to talk to a person and not just text messaging stuff, he wanted to know ME. Call me old school, but that right there told me a lot about Metal Message! Within the first five minutes of our conversation, I was amazed by Markus’s professionalism, respect, honesty, work ethics, but most importantly, his passion for metal! His passion is what struck me the most and believe me, it definitely shows in his work. Within only a few weeks, we were swarmed by album reviews, magazine interviews, air time in new radio stations, and all that throughout the world. But that’s not all! Markus also gave us very constructive advice on marketing, management, timing, presentation and work ethics, which really helped us grow as a professional band. In the end, I have recommended Metal Message to everyone who was serious about bringing their music to another level, and I will continue to do so with pride and honour!"
(Steve O Leff • ROCKIN' ENGINE • Canada)
"Extreme dedication and a transparent workstyle are what define Markus. Communication is always fast and easy. What he's done for us in under a year has exceeded our expectations by a mile. We're glad we took him and so should you."
(Maurice • BLACK LILIUM • Germany)
"There are so many charlatans in this business but Markus Eck is not one of them and Metal Message is something your band needs. The level of attention to detail as well as love put into his work is epic. I will be working with Markus again on the next Ruadh release for sure and I highly recommend you do the same. The message is indeed loud!"
(Tom • RUADH • UK)
"Markus is a thoroughly sincere, honest and good person. A Metal maniac with all his heart and soul made of steel for the bands he is promoting. Always true to its motto: CLASS instead of MASS! Long live the underground! Many thanks to you Markus, for your great work, which we are guaranteed to use again."
(Waxe • EISENHAUER • Germany)
"Markus is the best guy you can work with! Always focused and dedicated to his work he makes you feel like a brother - and the results of his promotional work are stellar!"
(Alex • REVOLTONS • Italy)
"I want to thank Markus for his great job! His skills about promotion are amazing and I'm glad we met him! Working with such a kind and positive person is a real pleasure!"
(Kremena • BENDIDA • Bulgaria)
"Metal Message's promotional service is extremely smooth and cost-effective. In a short time, results are produced that you would not be able to do yourself with even great effort. The work is very holistic and results are generated on a daily basis. Reporting of results is also regular and the service personal. It is very difficult to imagine that the same level of service could be obtained from anywhere else, at least for the same price."
(Jake • VELVET OCEAN • Finland)
"Metal Message and Markus Eck do a really great and excellent job. It is really a pleasure to work with him."
(Vinnie • BENDIDA • Bulgaria)
"Markus Eck does an amazing job from start to finish and is a wonderfully passionate, as well as kind guy! We're glad working with him at VARUS and already knowing him for quite some time. We already noticed more fans and a wider range soon after the first interviews and reviews were done. Thank you Markus and keep up your astonishing work! We'll always get back to, as soon as the next promo campaign or new album is about to be done."
(Konstantin • VARUS • Germany)
"As HARDLAND we may be the odd one in at Metal Message's roster, but we absolutely don’t feel like that at all! Markus got intrigued by our cover version of Tubeway Army’s 'Are Friends Electric' and although we are most certainly NOT a cover band, it did get us in contact with him. We’d also gotten great reviews about him by friends of ours (ROCKIN’ ENGINE), what made clear to us that Markus was the most ECK-cellent guy to take care of spreading the word for us! Right from the beginning, talking on the phone, we hit it off immediately. Common interests as our passion for music, LOUD music made our first conversation feel like we knew each other from way before! Markus makes no fake promises, he’s a straight shooter, NO BS! He works hard for his bands and does so with great passion, knowledge, respect, professional attitude and most important transparency and honesty! He’s helped us get tons of interviews, reviews and airplay all around the globe. We will always recommend Metal Message to everyone who tries to get his music to a more professional level and needs advice and / or help from the man with a very strong message!"
(Aeilko • HARDLAND • Netherlands)
"Out of all the people that work with us, Markus Eck is probably the best! He's really number one and has done so much, with incredible passion! Our intention as a band is to proceed with Metal Message again! Rock on!"
(Mark • WITCHE'S BREW • Italy)
"Definitely amongst the highest calibre and standards service I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Top shelf quality from a top notch service, Markus Eck rules!"
(Mirko • WITCHE'S BREW • Italy)
"An outstanding, passionate and genuine PR Agency, that is truly interested in it's clients. Markus lives and breathes the music, and his reputation is exceptional amongst the European underground. Highly recommended!"
"Markus is a really passionate guy who loves good music and do a great job with his PR agency. A warm light in the cold dust of nowadays Metal music industry. Highly recommended!"
(Coldun • COLDUN • Germany)
"Outstanding work with serious devotion. There are lots of black sheep in the PR biz, but Markus is definitely not one of them. Relentless passion and goes for extra mile if necessary to get the things done. KING SATAN SALUTES!"
(King Seth Aleister Satan • KING SATAN • Finland)
"The cooperation with Metal Message is pretty much comparable with an Himalaya expedition on which Markus accompanies and guides your venture with Sherpa-like experience, instinct and consideration. He's not an arbitrary spreader of promotion material but a distinctive supporter of the artists vision whose motivation is always rooted in fortifying passion and authenticity. If you're looking for an enthusiastic crony and reliable connoisseur of the Metal world with all its heights and depths rather than a mere average promoter, Markus is your man. Highly recommended."
(Maurice Wilson • ANTRISCH • Germany)
"We worked with Markus for approx. six months marketing On Atlas' Shoulders second record. Highly passionate and service-oriented music enthusiast using his vast network to promote his clients. Uncomplicated and effective communication. We can definitely recommend his services!"
(Ben • ON ATLAS' SHOULDERS • Germany)
"The collaboration with Metal Message and my band CELTIC HILLS gave the band great visibility, much more than we had anticipated. Markus Eck works with passion and commitment and can be compared to a band member for how he is always careful to get the most out of it."
(Jonathan • CELTIC HILLS • Italy)
"There are many false prophets around but Markus isn't one of them. We, the CULT OF SALEM and our goddess Shub-Niggurath are very pleased with his excellent work."
(Dirk Whych Binder • CULT OF SALEM • Germany)
"Markus is an amazing PR agent! I have never seen someone work SO diligently and tirelessly, keeping you constantly updated with every bit of press so you know EXACTLY what is going on with your music/who is talking about it/what they are saying. He will also do his best to set up some interviews with publications WORLDWIDE! Being a band from the United States, we had always found it difficult connecting with foreign press due to language barriers, etc. Markus breaks down these walls and connects us directly to the different publications looking for interviews. He has everything set up and ready to go for you in a way that is easy to understand. Markus is VERY on top of new technology and applications, he is using any new methods he can to expand your reach in creative and exciting ways! He is also insanely organized, tweeting and posting every article you are mentioned in so you can have easy access to them as they appear! Even though Markus is not based in the United States, his English and comprehension is incredibly good! He is super easy to talk to and it feels like he is available 24 hours a day!!! This guy WORKS HARD and it shows. By far one of the hardest working people in music I have had the pleasure of working with. Would recommend EVERYONE selects him to do your worldwide PR, whether you are from the USA or literally anywhere else! Markus knows where to place you and how to get you there."
"KATRE worked together with Markus Eck in the dissemination of the album 'Behind The Resilience' and absolutely recommends the services of Metal Message Global. Markus understands your needs as an artist and details a plan to work out tailored for the band. He has a large database of bloggers and webzines, and you are most likely going to be asked for many interviews. This helps a lot in the beginning because as an artist, you need the feeling of recognition. After this, the reviews, social media posts, and similar will follow, because Markus gives his best to disseminate your work. Our warmest thanks to you, Markus. We now have a very dear friend on our side who understands our music and communicates with the right audience."
(Hasan • KATRE • Germany)
"We worked with Markus from Metal Message for the release of our debut album and are overwhelmed by how much visibility we have achieved thanks to his work. Markus puts his heart and soul into it and does an incredible job. Moreover, the collaboration has always been very beautiful, easygoing and pleasant. Thank you very much Markus! Love, Wazzara!"
(Barbara • WAZZARA • Switzerland)
"I have known Markus for a very long time as one of the most dedicated people who loves Metal (and not only that) and can really help the band get noticed in this endless flood of music. If you want a qualified and professional service, contact Metal Message."
(Vitaly • PSILOCYBE LARVAE • Russia)
"If Metal bands had hype men, Markus would be the OG! Seriously though, genuinely someone who follows up with you and shows support where needed! Go Metal Message Global!"
(Ingi • POWER PALADIN • Iceland)
"A ton of thanks and appreciation go out to Markus of Metal Message! This maniac helped us releasing 'Dead Aesthetics' with untiring effort and his insider-knowledge of the worldwide Metal underground! Without him we would not stand where we are right now! The message is Metal and the message is loud! Markus, we salute you!"
(Matt • INFECTED CHAOS • Austria)
"For almost 20 years I can count on Markus. His enthusiastic work helped CROM a lot over the years and I honestly can only recommend him to every band who wants a solid and true partner. If you need help in the difficult world of Heavy Metal I would always choose Metal Message again!"
(Walter • CROM • Germany)
"We are really happy with the work done by Metal Message! Thanks!"
(Adriano • GRAVE-T • Italy)
"Very reliable, great communication & good taste!"
(Erech Leleth • BERGFRIED • Austria)
"Absolutely happy with everything that was done for us. Will recommend and work with it again."
(Alexander • IMPERIAL AGE • Turkey)
"Metal Message is an amazing agency! Markus, who runs the whole thing is extremely dedicated to his work, is incredibly responsive and does an amazing job to provide reviews and interviews and promotion on the internet and physical magazines! And to crown it all, he is a wonderful human being! I definitely recommend working with him and I'm very happy with his job for my band! Thanks, Markus!"
(Adrien • PHOEBUS THE KNIGHT • France)
"Markus did the promotion for my debut album and his work has exceeded my expectations 10x! Transparent, reliable, incredibly efficient and very knowledgeable about the music itself as well as the industry. He will promote your music to all the right people in your genre, and he can give great recommendations for any collaborations you might need for your production. If you work with Markus to spread your Metal message, you will not be disappointed. I cannot recommend him enough for your project! 10/10 experience!"
(Kate • KATE NORD • Italy)
"WOW!!! 5 Stars! The great Markus is tireless and precise in his daily promotion! Present in every context like on Youtube, Twitter, FB, Insta, etc. Trust him and his reliability! Very very very great job!"
(Gaetano • DRAGONHAMMER • Italy)
"Markus is hardworking and dedicated and helped us reach a much larger audience than we expected to with our album, definitely recommended!"
(John • RAVENLIGHT • Northern Ireland)
"Markus is an excellent communicator. He is friendly, reliable, helpful and always delivers 110 %. We are very happy to work with him and can only recommend him and his work to every other band in the Heavy Metal genre! He helped us to get our press kit straight and improved our workflow with reviews and interviews."
(Daniel • TOMB OF GIANTS • Germany)
"It is an absolute pleasure to work with Markus. He really delves into the band/music he is working with, he is absolutely passionate about music and his work and not just some grey persona that takes the $ - Markus is friendly, professional, and incredibly dedicated to deliver the best possible promotion for your music - we got fantastic coverage for reviews/interviews/magazines and couldn't be happier! We can only recommend him to any band that is looking for fantastic promotion! ECK's-cellent!"
(Dave • HERETOIR • Germany)
"Markus is very trustworthy and professional, a great fellow, and a very addicted Metalhead. His passion for Metal is second to none and he just knows what is important for bands like us, while having the connections to promote us efficiently. For us it’s important to have a promoter we can trust and who’s part of the scene. With Markus we found that one. He's quite the opposite of agencies who promise you everything for 'little' money in a spam like mail, not even mentioning your band name. Thanks Markus!"
(Butschi • OLYMP • Germany)
"As a band you need 2 important aspects. Passion for music, and the skills/pure craftsmanship on the instrument to be able to implement the vision. If one element is missing, failure is inevitable. Even if a band includes this, what else does a band need? A mouthpiece and a strong advocate that can convey the music and the message ... especially in these times when social media and cooperation with the press have become such an important factor. With Breed we are fortunate to have a well-founded, reliable and confident partner in all promotional matters with and through Metal Message and Markus Eck. We are more than satisfied and look forward to many years of working together. Thanks for your great work!"
(Sascha • BREED • Germany)
"Best PR company ever!"
(Sherwin • ANOUSHBARD • Iran)
"We would highly recommend Markus Eck and Metal Message. A super professional and hard working promotion firm that helped us to step it up several levels. Markus is truly into it, interested and updated every step of the way. It’s amazing how he just keeps going and see through every detail."
(John • MOTHER MISERY • Sweden)
"Markus is the nicest and the most professional man in terms of PR and marketing, 100 % recommend him to anyone who wants to get heard and need PR work, hands down the best of the best PR company ever! I thank him so much for all the hard work he does, I really appreciate what he's doing and I’m sure I couldn’t get the same results with a different PR company. Best promoter out there, truly a legend."
(Mohammad • SHIVERED • Iran)
"100 % professionalism and good work! When it comes to fast and good results Markus is the guy! Keep on going Markus!"
(Svetlana • SEVI • Bulgaria)
"100 % - the best Metal promotion!"
(Chemel • KILL CITY • Ecuador)
"Thank you for the amazing promo! Always professional, straightforward, and on point. The collaboration is efficient and consistently delivers exactly what I need for my projects."
(Andrea • BAD MARILYN • Switzerland)
"Markus is an amazing and dedicated promoter. I wasn’t sure what to expect as this was my first time working with someone this way. I was nothing short of amazed at the hard work. Markus got me all sorts of reviews, Interviews, and articles written about Knightfall. He helped me set up my EPK and posted constantly on all of his socials promoting the project. Markus has been in constant communication throughout everything offering encouragement on top of the business at hand. I admire his work ethic and passion for the music and artist behind it. He is truly an ally and one you definitely want on your team. We were even included on his 9th compilation entitled Metal Message 'IX • Iron Prophecy'. I would recommend Metal Message to promote your album or singles as he works hard to advocate on your behalf and has been doing this 23 years and has access to a wide network of industry contacts."
"In all my years I have never known a more tireless and enthusiastic lover of music than Markus. Everything he does to spread the word comes straight from his heart and that is a very rare thing in the modern, trend driven world, of music. May Metal Message go viral and get the worldwide attention all his hard work truly deserves. Rock hard and rock on, brother!"
"Great work!"
(Miguel • Heaven Is Not Too Far Webzine • Italy)
"Great PR firm that stands behind the bands that they represent. I have had the pleasure of working with Metal Message for many years now and they have been nothing short of exceptional."
(Andy • Heavy Metal Time Machine Webzine • USA)
"Metal Message has provided so much excellent music over the years that I'm continually blown away. Markus Eck and Metal Message ensure that bands are well-publicized and treated with the care that they deserve. After 33 years in music it is unlikely that I would recall anything special about most promoters, but the services of Metal Message are powerful and unique."
(Graham • Vile Views Webzine • Canada)
"Metal Message offers the opportunity to meet a lot of bands around the world. If you have a band don't forget the Message - serious Metalheads only!"
(Mario • X Reviews • Mexico)
"Metal Message and Markus are very professional and are one of the best things for me, works hard to do what he does and has given me the opportunity to review a couple of bands."
(Mark • Ever Metal Webzine • UK)
"Dedicated Metal fan, friendly and always here for the music. A real pleasure to deal with."
(Marcel • The Metal Mag • France)
"Hard working and dedicated to the band clients. I would definitely recommend Metal Message!"
(Arnold • Metalised Online Portal • Cyprus)
"Markus is a person with a great human quality. You can feel the passion he has for his work, as well as the effort and energy to boost the Rock scene in Germany and other countries. I highly recommend working with Metal Message. It’s a pleasure working with Markus and Metal Message here in Mexico with Darkzen Metal Magazine and my own website (Syl Pdll Design)."
(Sylvana • Darkzen Dragon Metal Angels Webzine • Mexico)
"Really a great Promotion Company with the real passion for Metal music! It is a pleasure to work with them every time. The campaigns are well presented and every time when you have a question or problem Markus get back to you with the solution!"
(Julian • Rock Garage Webzine • Germany)
"It’s a pleasure working with Markus and Metal Message. Metal is the message. Metal Message is gladly recommended by Rock Metal Network."
(Kurt • Rock Metal Network • Austria)
"Metal Message works with heart and blood for many bands. Keep your mission and your great work alive!"
(Robert • Metal Underground Webzine Austria • Austria)
"Top class assistance and scouting skills, performed with passion and for passion!"
(Emanuele • Rock Hard • Italy)
"Working with Markus and Metal Message has been a pleasure. He is courteous, professional and a true supporter of Heavy Metal music. I have interviewed a number of the Metal Message artists and look forward to continuing working together bringing the artist and their music to the forefront!"
(Mick • The Cosmick View Webzine • USA)
"An excellent and reliable PR service for any Metal genre."
(Fabio • Groundcast Webzine • Brazil)
"Over the last year of working with Markus I have been exposed to so many high quality bands and had the pleasure to build friendships with a handful of them. Markus is a passionate and hard working promotor that never fails to deliver quality campaigns to reviewers like me and aims to keep developing the working relationship that we have. It has been an honour to work with someone with the pedigree and credibility of Markus, a real veteran of the scene who's passion and enthusiasm never fails to inspire. His highly motivational approach to promotion enables both Fjordhammer Music and Metal Message to enjoy wider interaction with a truly global audience, of which I have felt the benefits, especially with the German audience. Metal Message is one of the best in the game, hardworking, honest and dedicated to the cause of spreading the joy of Metal music!"
(Tom • Fjordhammer Music • UK))
"Congrats to my friend Markus Eck of the almighty Metal Message Global on 20 years of dedication and service for the worldwide Rock and Metal underground. If you are in a Metal band and need a publicist who is especially impassioned about his work and his bands, Markus is your guy! He has introduced me to so many amazing bands over the years. Markus, your spirit and imagination is truly inspiring."
(Ken • Highwire Daze • USA)
"Excellent service by a veteran, and professional, Metalhead that knows his craft and how to present Metal bands in the light they deserve. Highly recommended!"
(Lior • Metal Temple • Israel)
"Markus through his work demonstrates the passion, professionalism, dedication and quality that he has, in addition to being a great person, he always values and appreciates the work of his collaborators. An honor for me and MetalPedia to collaborate with Metal Message."
(Toño • Metal Pedia • Mexico)
"Excellent collaboration! An agency to recommend for all musicians!"
(Dimitris • Fuzzy Hound • Greece)
"Markus is an easygoing person and his support to the underground music is massive. It´s always a pleasure meet people like this and share the experience of supporting the music we love. Thanks for supporting my work Markus and count on me to support yours. Cheers from Brazil, mate!"
(Fábio • The Old Coffin Spirit • Brazil)
"One of the best out there I know - and speaks English like a pro! It's a pleasure to work with Markus."
(Bart • Zware Metalen • Netherlands)
"Metal Message is recommended in every respect. Markus Eck is fully passionate about his work and is 100 % committed to his artists. In addition, it is very pleasant for us as a Metal blog to work with him. Here lives the underground!"
(André • Epic Metal Blog • Germany)
"Highly recommended for quality, professionalism and passion. Markus is a point of reference and thanks to him I discovered a lot of incredible bands."
(Lenny • The Murder Inn • Italy)
"Best promoter I know! He has great knowledge, the communication is brillant, it never takes more than a week to get answered interviews back and for collectors there are even original CD's as a kind of thank you!"
(Daniel • Crossfire Metal • Germany)
"I truly recommend Metal Message Global. It's a great press work that reaches the most different countries and Metalheads one can think of. I support Metal Message Global!"
(Marcos • Metal Mind Reflections • Brazil)
"Within every Metal band and fan there is an instinctive heart bred roar that can never be deterred and that same passion is inescapable within Markus and Metal Message Global. He is a fan with the need to help promote the great artists within the Metal world especially the new and independent. That emotional intensity translates in a service which is energetic and tireless earning deserved rewards the way of its clients."
(Pete • The Ringmaster Review • UK)
"It isn't often you find someone so dedicated and great to work with, but we did. It has been a few years now that we have been working together to get the word out about Heavy Metal, a way of life. I am extremely impressed with the work ethics from Markus. He is always there to help out with the interviews from his bands, always asks if I would like to do one, and if there are any questions I know I can go to him and he will help out. It is great too that he makes a point of sharing the interviews, and then letting us know he has done that. He is very efficient in his work, and so trustworthy, you can tell he loves what he does, it just shows. Plus he is so great to work with, and very patient about the work we do together. I would highly recommend any band, even labels to reach out to Markus for consideration of working with him. I have not once regretted working together. I always look forward to doing our interviews and help to promote, it is a real pleasure."
(Rita • Metal Titans • Canada)
"Pete's Rock News And Views have worked with Markus for quite a few years now and we always find that Metal Message Global puts the artist first. He works hard with his artists to give them the best PR experience possible. Markus is very passionate about music and loves what he does and this comes across with every campaign."
(Pete • Pete's Rock News And Views • UK)
"If you're looking for diligent PR personnel, then Markus is definitely your man! I've been working as a journalist for 13 years now and I have worked with many PR agencies and agents, but definitely, Markus is one of the most dedicated professionals out there! Don't hesitate too much, if the opportunity to work with Markus arises, catch it!"
(Afrodite • MyTouche Blog • Hungary)
"Highly recommended!"
(Giuseppe • Metal Hammer • Italy)
"Amazing work from Metal Message. The work and support for the bands are extraordinary. Markus Eck does great and honest PR - a nice person to work with!"
(Keith • Metalheads Forever Magazine • India)
"Keep doing what you do Markus! The Metal world is a far, far better place because of you my friend! I continue to discover amazing bands every month because of Metal Message and Markus is the real deal ... honesty, passionate, and dedicated! Hails to the Metal Message!"
(Victor Kirk • Brews And Tunes • USA)
"Markus is a true Metal warrior dedicated to raising the Metal flag high up (20 years now!) and he truly cares about the bands, respecting them and supporting them. Metal Message is a hard working Metal machine which we as Filthy Dogs Of Metal trust Markus and Metal Message with closed eyes! Heavy Metal will never die!"
(Stavros • Filthy Dogs Of Metal • Greece)
"Great page and good job. I like that the things he does, he does with passion - keep it up!"
(Carlos • Nada Hay Bajo El Sol • Spain)
"Very German, solid! Highly recommended."
(Mariko • MariMetal • Japan)
"A true idealist which really likes what he does and know this world! Great agency!"
(Veronica • Heavy Metal Maniac IT • Italy)
"Markus Eck with Metal Message is really a hardworking, passionate, professional, transparent, wide reach and he is a friendly person. And as I know, he works with heart and really loves Metal. He also always supports and appreciates his collaborators. That's why I and Metal Opera really enjoy working with him."
(Windu • Metal Opera • Indonesia)
"Extremely committed and active promoter, highly professional working for his bands with a lot of heart and soul, and the will to really make a difference. Highly recommended!"
(Ute • Metallosophy • Switzerland)
"Great promoter who obviously loves what he does. Very professional and dedicated to the bands and the music."
(Dawn • The Metal Asylum • UK)
"Great promoter, has an amazing knowledge of music. A total gentleman who actually knows what he’s talking about, you can tell he loves Metal and is a total professional."
(Tsarina • Banshee Entertainment • UK)
"The experience I've had can easily be put into words: Dedicated. Friendly. Accommodating. Knowing. Flexible. Do what he can to help if questions arise. In short: What is promised is delivered."
(Martin • Rancor Metalzine • Denmark)
Radios & Podcasts:
"Aimed at all bands and all those who want to work together in one of the most professional offices we can find! Markus is an extremely professional, reliable and very precise person! It is a great honor for Black Night Radio to be able to support your great work!"
(Sandro Lo Castro • Black Night Radio • Italy)
"Highly recommended, as Markus Eck is passionate about his work for the bands and trying to make them known to the rest of the world."
(Johonny • Conexión Rock Radio • Honduras)
"Metal Message delivers the goods! MDR approved!"
(Zach • Metal Devastation Radio • USA)
"Metal Message Global is dedicated and active in bringing good quality Heavy Metal to as many people as possible. I'm grateful to him for regularly providing information even to a small radio program in faraway Japan."
(Kaz • Rock Or Die • Japan)
"Great job! We discovered many new bands to listen to on Hijos De La Luna!"
(Sebastian • Hijos De La Luna • Argentina)
"Been working with Metal Message for a few months now with my radio show, the Dark Side Of Metal, and can already see that Markus is a very passionate and dedicated individual, believes in the artists he promotes and treats media partners as more than just names on a list. From a media perspective, this is what we look for. Recommended!"
(Paul • Dark Side Of Metal • UK)
"Great job on Metal Message, kick ass promotion! The guy has been digging into the underground scene for almost 20 years and you can find a lot of great stuff here."
(Hugo • Positive Metal Attitude • Portugal)
"Metal Tavern Radio has been working with Markus for well over the last 7-8 years and he has always demonstrated professionalism as well as having a good eye for talented up and coming bands. Unlike some promotional sites I have worked with in the past Markus always is engaging, respectful, and available for any questions we may have for him. He also acknowledges MTR when we air the bands he represents and that goes a long way to a healthy and strong relationship between radio and promotions. Thanks for all you do Markus, here's to another 20 years of success for you!"
(James • Metal Tavern Radio • USA)
"He is the hardest working around and you won’t find better quality anywhere else!"
(Corban • SAGAS Metal Podcast • Australia)
"Excellent work and great promoter! Markus gives us very complete information about bands, a great link between music, the media and listeners."
(Oscar • Demontre Radio • Argentina)
"110 % Metal and Knowledge - one of the best and most loyal guys in the Metal scene!"
(Markus Wosgien • Nuclear Blast / Atomic Fire • Germany)
"Working with Markus has been a real pleasure! He definitely knows his stuff and he is hard-working and passionate about what he does. Can't recommend him & Metal Message enough!"
(Phivos • Pitch Black Records • Cyprus)
"Markus is great. He does his job with enormous competence and professionalism and, above all (and it is rare), with passion. We at Elevate Records always recommend Metal Message as a press office. It is for sure the number one choice for Europe and beyond. He did a fantastic work with our band Celtic Hills."
(Pino • Elevate Records • Italy)
"Completely satisfied! Markus is super professional and passionate and this is what my agency looks for. The bands that we propose are promoted on every channel (itw, videos, Twitter, FB, Insta, etc.) Great job, five stars!"
(Sabrina • Rock On Agency • Italy)
Visual Artists:
"I cannot recommend working with Markus and Metal Message enough! Over the many years of friendship I've come to know him as a true and loyal fan of Metal and Metal art in general with exceptional and genuine passion for old and new bands alike. Always open minded and interested in learning about new music and artworks and always dedicated to promote the music he loves with extreme devotion!"
(Kris Verwimp • Belgium)
"I lost count of how many reviews of Markus I read since I got into Metal music. Metal Message was never far away when I went on my forays for new music. Now, many years later I’m happy that our paths also crossed in a professional way. As a mediator he got in touch with me to revamp a logo for one of his clients. The briefing, the communication and the workflow were on fleek and we reached the desired results in no time. I’m looking forward to future collaborations!"
(Dominik Schäfer • Wappenschmied • Germany)
"I'd like to make a very special mention to my brother Markus Eck from Metal Message Global whom helmed the whole process from beginning to end and made possible this cover artwork, thank you brother for the trust and for accompanying me during the making of! Cheers brother, you are the best and can't wait to work together again!"
(Joel Sánchez Rosales • Joe Sanchez Art • Mexico)
"Markus is awesome and very enthusiastic. Metal is his passion. He sent me a lot of voice messages that really made my day and he provided precise ideas for the artwork for 'IX • Iron Prophecy' which made it so much easier for me to work on. Metal Message is a good promotion platform for many underground Metal bands. I just want to say thank you so much to Metal Message for getting the message out into the world! Horns up!"
(Timbul Cahyono • Bvllmetalart • USA)
PR agency with multiple five-star ratings - works professionally and reliably with numerous partners in the global music media.
Many years of extensive and in-depth experience in various musical fields form the basis for individual and efficient services.
Main field of activity besides communication for global Public Relations are integrated Promotion Campaigns in print, online and broadcast, as well as marketing, artist management, consulting and mentoring.
Crossfire Metal
Darkzen Dragon
Filthy Dogs Of Metal
Frenzy Fire
Heavy Metal Webzine It
Hellfire Magazin
Highwire Daze Online
Metal Gods TV
Metal Opera
Metal Pedia
Metal Temple
Metal Titans
Pete's Rock News And Views
Powermetal DE
Rock Castle Franken
The Cosmick View
The Murder Inn
Time For Metal
Zephyr's Odem
1921 Baliheadbanger
Demontre Radio
Das Metalmagazin hart&direkt
Hijos De La Luna
La Caverna De Hierro
Loud And Proud
Metal Only
Metal Tavern Radio
PowerPlant Radio NL
Radio Diabolus
Rock Live Radio
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© Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ • 2001-2025 • All rights reserved
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.